"WSIC (Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Company) digital technology library system”,which was assumed by the Wuhan Branch Library, its user assessment meeting was held on January 11th, 2012. The assessment team was major composed by WSIC user representatives, leaders and experts of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Wei Li, director of Technology Department of Wuhan Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Hong Jiang, director of Operational Office of Wuhan Branch Library, attended the meeting.
The project group made a report to the experts to review the preliminary investigation of the "digital library system” project, the needs of users, design and system organizational structure and implementation of the program. Then they described the various functions of the system. The experts listened to every detail of the project carefully, and gave a high praise on the progress of the project and the technical capacity of the Wuhan Branch library. They hope to further cooperation and promote mutual benefits and common development with the Wuhan Branch Library.