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Wuhan Branch Library Fully Participated in the Compilation of “National Energy Materials Development Guide”

Author: Update time: 08/29/2012  Printer  Text Size: A A A Close

In order to break through the energy materials on energy development restriction bottleneck, the National Energy Board organized the codification of the "National Energy Materials Development Guide” in 2012.Information Research Department of Wuhan Branch Library was invited as a unit to be involved in the compilation from the beginning.

June 26, 2012, the researcher Zhang Jun, director of the Information Research Department of Wuhan Branch Library, led his team to participate in the preparatory meeting of the codification of the “National Energy Materials Development Guide.” The meeting discussed and modified the outline, grouping and organization of the guide.On July 11th, Guide codification conference was held in Beijing officially.The meeting noted that the Energy Materials Guide is an extension and refinement of the National Energy Technology "12th Five-Year Plan" in the field of energy materials, the guide should have implementation and operability.Various units involved in the codification should be fully aware of the importance and urgency of the work, and we should have a high sense of responsibility and strict working attitude to complete the Guide codification high quality, to promote the development of the National Energy Technology.

According to the content of the meeting decided that Wuhan Branch Library will be mainly responsible for the oil and gas, wind power, thermal power, photovoltaic, fuel cells, bio-energy and other special authored work.This fully reflected that Wuhan Branch Library was recognized by the national authorities and experts in the research field of materials and energy.

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