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Prof.Yongheng Zhong, Appointed as a Member of the Professional Committee of the IFLA Reference and Information Services Section

Author: Update time: 02/22/2012  Printer  Text Size: A A A Close

IFLA was founded in 1927, currently it has 1736 members from 154 countries, including 164 Association (Association) members, 1113 institutional members and 410 individual members and student members and other members. On March 27, 2007, Wuhan Branch Library received a formal letter of IFLA, Yongheng Zhong, the director of Wuhan Branch Library, was appointed as a member of the Professional Committee of the IFLA Reference and Information Services Section, four-year term (2007-2011).While, Yongheng Zhong was the first expert of Wuhan Branch Library to enter to the International Organizations since the Wuhan Branch Library had been founded.

It is the responsibility of the Professional Committee to ensure coordination of the work of all the IFLA units responsible for professional activities, policies and programs. The Committee consists of a chair, elected by the outgoing Committee, the chair of each of IFLA's 5 Divisions plus 2 members of the Governing Board, elected by that Board from among its members, the President-elect, and the Chairs of the FAIFE and CLM committees; an additional member may be co-opted. The Professional Committee meeting is held at least twice per year, once at the time and place of the annual IFLA General Conference.

25 west of xiaohongshan,Wuchang Dist,Wuhan,Hubei,P.R.China